* Authorities continue to investigate a month worth of freeway shootings that have killed three and wounded two. Police, however, say this past weekend's shooting on the 101 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley does not appear at this time to be connected to previous shootings. In Sunday's incident, a 20-year-old man was found with a fatal gunshot wound to his head in his crashed sedan. Less than 24 hours earlier, police were investigating a shooting in Long Beach where a man said a fellow motorist shot at him while driving on the 710 Freeway. That incident was characterized as a road-rage incident.
* Former President Bill Clinton spoke in San Jose on Sunday, telling those gathered that partisans need to "chill out" over fears that the Democratic Party is being torn apart in the current primary race between his wife, Hillary, and Sen. Barack Obama. Clinton spoke at the California Democratic Party state convention. The next big primary is slated for April 22 in Pennsylvania. Neither Obama or Hillary Clinton is expected to reach the necessary 2,024 delegates when all is said and done, which could lead to a bitter fight come convention time in Denver.
* State Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D) is backing legislation that would eliminate fees for having an unlisted phone number. If the bill is passed, it would prohibit phone providers from charging customers extra for having an unlisted number in phone books or being unlisted with directory assistance.
* The Los Angeles Lakers snapped a two-game skid Sunday night with a 126-120 overtime victory over the Washington Wizards.
* 1:10 p.m. (Dodger Stadium) S.F. Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers - Season Opener
* 7:10 p.m. (Petco Park) Houston Astros at San Diego Padres - Season Opener
* 7:30 p.m. (Staples Center) Dallas Mavericks at Los Angeles Clippers
Hi! Really nice blog. I was wondering if you might be interested in a link exchange? I have a site about California and Texas (for people who have moved from one state to another). I have a place for California text links on the left hand collumn...I could put a link under "GoCalifornia News Blog" there in exchange for a link to my site (www.texifornia.com) or my blog (http://texifornia.blogspot.com/).
Please e-mail me if you are interested ( ecaria@hotmail.com )
i have added your blog site to my california links. continued success with your site. dave
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