When we heard the news that Oprah Winfrey doesn't want to book Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin (pictured to the left) on her show, well, we can't say we are surprised.
Oprah reportedly told staff members, half of whom reportedly want Palin to visit, no to having the Alaska governor as a guest. The bigtime Obama supporter apparently doesn't want her audience to hear both sides of the November election argument.
This is the same Oprah who last year blocked a visit on the show by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.
Now we know the queen can decide just who she wants on her own show. But in the interest of fairness, doesn't it seem a little biased not to invite Palin.
Then again, maybe Oprah feels a little threatened by Palin. Come on, Oprah, we know you're a tough old lady. Have the courage to have Palin on and let your audience decide their choice this November.
And by the way, Palin is not running against your boy Obama.
I bet she will alienate some women fans of hers. They will be even more open to checking out Palin. Oprah doesn't want Palin on her show because she is afraid Palin might sway some of her viewers away from Obama. Oprah is afraid of hurting Obama's chances, she knows he has a tough fight with Palin on the ticket.
Too be fair though, she had Obama on before he was running, when his books came out. To have Palin on now that she's running would mean Oprah would really have to have Obama on now too. But then she probably would be accused of breaking some campaign finance laws or something.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never elect a woman
who's a conservative
she's just a gender traitor
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never promote a woman
who's a conservative
she's just might beat your man
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Great article and outstanding blog site. Will visit again.
i agree that having palin on would at least require giving biden time. i agree, though, that palin is a threat to liberals like oprah, so they don't want to give her extra air time. mc cain may not be this and that, but he made a brilliant strategic move in choosing palin. the liberal media was caught entirely off guard...and god knows they don't like that!
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