Such is the case with Blog Catalog (www.blogcatalog.com). We were having some spirited debates with our friends on the left over the last couple of weeks about the upcoming presidential election. Then out of the blue, we got this note below from someone who will likely claim they are an 'impartial' moderator on the site. The note goes as follows:
from TonyB (a moderator on blog catalog) @DaveT, please type so people can explain what you are saying. Use caps at the beginning of sentences. Your run on sentences make no sense and you take things out of context just to annoy people here. The BC community has certain guidelines and standards. I've asked you to please adhere to them. I am blocking you from the discussions for a period of time. If, and when, you decide to come back, please read the guidelines and show respect to other members. Thanks
Well, we can't say we are surprised. The discussion room is loaded with those on the left who think their candidate for president (Barack Obama) and their views are just superior to everyone else. And God forbid if you should actually go into their den and challenge them on some of these views.
But the biggest thing we've noticed on the left is how sensitive everyone is. So instead of allowing for a free discussion of thoughts, and even acknowledging when we praise their views, we're told that we're not respectful towards the left, we say things that make no sense, and we take things out of context just to annoy people.
Well, in the fairness of an open society and what they would likely claim is a free forum, we would like you to take a look at some of the posts on there (see link below) and see for yourself if we (davet) should not be allowed to state the 'other side's' point of view.
As always, thanks for reading.
Who is this "we" you speak of? At BC, I always thought you were a guy named Dave. Are you really multiple employees of a business posing as one person to generate traffic or something like that? Or is this a royal "we"?
We? What, have you got a mouse in your pocket/ LOL.
Listen Dave, the "moderator is playing favorites" card has been dealt to death. Considering tat you have been posting there you were not banned, your account was not dinged, and you haven't hurt anyone's feelings.
We did have a good laugh at your expense though.
Love, the dreaded "Leftist" :D
i'm glad i was able to entertain you. in return, you all did likewise. it is very simple...when someone in control of a site doesn't like what someone else is saying (even though no vulgarity, etc. is being used) or a mass of people control a room...you simply deny them the right to speak at some point. unlike tony's site, you are free to speak your mind on my blog. have a good day.
Dave, I've had more than my fair share of posts removed from blog catalog, complete with private messages from Tony about my behavior.
It really isn't a conspiracy. Honest LOL. Not one of the other members on "the right" has had the same experience, or had posts removed - and, if I remember right, some of the "Lefties" have had some posts removed themselves. Honestly...the whole thing isn't a big deal LOL.
if i were to use vulgar language, etc. i have no problem with being told to exit. if you have some free time on your hands, go back and read some of the posts. there is me stating my point of view, challenging some others on their points of view, and a little humor (not below the belt) mixed in at times. in the grand scheme of things, you're right, it isn't the end of the world. i do, however, find it peculiar that one of maybe only 2-3 people who lean right in a room full of those who lean left is told to take a hike for a period of time. if you take the politics out of it, you must admit it does look a little suspicious. but since we have other outlets to state our cases, that is cool too. have a good day.
Who else was banned? I saw Csuiwhateverhis face is posting, and MM posting...Gallfire...I don't know who else leans to the right on the board, Maybe the BigRuskie...
there are few as you note on there who lean right. like i said earlier, no biggie....just seems a little suspicious when you honestly (politics aside) go back and read my posts. i didn't call anyone a 'troll' as one person did. i didn't use the word 'b...ard' as one person did. you and i obviously disagree on the issues, but you go on there and speak from your mind and do not insult anyone. so for that, i applaud you. have a good day. p.s. i'll continue to post from my blog here, sometimes election related items.
Personally when you start out as a new newbie blogger, Blogcatalog looks like you hit the jackpot. However when you graduate and get tired of Blogcatalog's bullshit you evolve as a person and move on to better. Trust me, anyone who gets the boot from BC has been kicked out of better homes.
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