Editor's note: As many of you who read this site know, the menu on here is often California news. From time to time, we look at national and world events, such as in the case of John McCain's pick for VP. This is another story on the current race for the White House.
We thought we had heard most of the trash the liberal media and others on the left would throw at Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin over the last week. Well, the garbage keeps coming.
On Friday, an original member of Barack Obama’s finance committee said that Palin is placing her career above her family by accepting the nomination as John McCain’s running mate. According to FOX News, (www.foxnews.com) Howard Gutman made the case on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” telling Ingraham that the Alaska governor should focus her time and efforts on her unwed, pregnant teenage daughter.
“If my daughter had just come home at 17 years old and said, ‘Mom, Dad, I’m pregnant, we have a family problem,’ I wouldn’t say, ‘You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to take this private family problem … I’m going to go on the international stage and broadcast it to the world’,” he said.
Gutman later said: “If you take a daughter who’s got this emotional strife and subject her to the most intense scrutiny of the world at this time in her life, I think you’ve put your career above your family.”
The Obama campaign had the smarts and decency to reject Gutman’s comments.
“Obviously these comments do not reflect our frequently stated, crystal-clear view that families of the candidates should be off limits, and we hope that supporters on both sides will act accordingly,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in an e-mail, pointing out that Gutman has apologized in a statement to ABC News.
Earlier in the week, Obama said anyone passing along rumors about Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy would be fired.
“I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits,” Obama said. “This shouldn’t be part of our politics.”
We commend Obama for doing the right thing and saying Palin's family is off limits, as should be Obama's.
The left is looking for anything to sink its teeth into on Palin because she is a threat to their way of life. The irony here is that McCain, not Palin, is at the top of the Republican ticket. Perhaps, the left sees Palin being a force in the Republican Party for years to come and wants to neutralize her now?
Stick to the records if you want to criticize someone and get on with it.
We are still amazed how so few women on the left have come out in support of Palin. You certainly don't have to agree with her record and views, but you would think the Democratic Party, which has championed women's rights and causes for decades, would be a little more supportive.
Then again, this is the left we're talking about.