The state Supreme Court said today in a unanimous order it would not remove a proposed ban on same-sex marriage from the November ballot.
Prop 8 is a state constitutional amendment that would reverse the court's ruling this spring allowing gay and lesbian couples to wed here. California joined Massachusetts as the only states to allow gay marriage.
Proponents of gay marriage sued last month trying to block a vote on Prop 8, claiming that the measure would tear down fundamental rights that can't legally be abolished by an initiative.
Editor's Take: The Court got it right today. Let the people have their say this November at the polls. Advocates of gay rights continue to paint themselves in an awkward situation. Threatening to go after businesses gocalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/07/gay-marriage-proponents-should-quit.html who contribute money to Prop 8 is one of their latest tactics. Let the people decide things fairly this fall without trying to impose your will on business owners and others who also have a right to their opinion.
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