Saturday, July 12, 2008

San Diego Going Over-the-Line for 2 Weekends

San Diego is going over the line these next two weekends.

The 55th Annual Over-the-Line tournament (, a mix of sports and Mardi Gras, kicks off today at Fiesta Island. Hundreds of teams of three players will compete for titles and have a little fun along the way. Meantime, crowds estimated at 50,000 are expected to attend the event, which runs today and tomorrow and July 19-20.

To make things even better for those in attendance, the city's booze ban at the beach is lifted for OTL.

OTL serves as the primary fundraising source for OMBAC's year-round charitable programs. OTL is more than "beer, babes and bats on the beach." With worldwide competition, OTL began as a San Diego original, played by men and women from 18 to 80 years-old. It is one of the last pure Southern California traditions left untouched by commercialism.

And that is just the way both organizers and attendees want it. Enjoy!

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